Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan stands as a hidden gem for MBBS students seeking a transformative academic experience. The majestic Lake Issyk-Kul, known as the world's second-largest mountain lake, serves as a picturesque backdrop for this educational journey filled with discovery and growth.

Indian students are drawn to Kyrgyzstan for its remarkable combination of low tuition fees and prestigious medical universities. These institutions are recognized and accredited by reputable bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Directory of Medical Schools, ensuring a globally accepted education.

The total cost for pursuing an MBBS degree in Kyrgyzstan ranges from 15 to 20 lacs, which includes accommodation and meals. This affordability makes Kyrgyzstan an attractive destination for students seeking quality education without financial strain.

Additionally, the country's close proximity to India, with just a 3-4 hour flight time, allows students to stay connected with their families and loved ones. This convenience adds to the appeal of studying in Kyrgyzstan, offering a perfect balance between academic pursuits and personal connections.

As you explore Kyrgyzstan, you'll discover a harmonious blend of modernity and tradition, enriched by the challenges overcome and the diverse opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embrace the warm hospitality and welcoming environment of Kyrgyzstan as you embark on a journey of academic excellence and cultural exploration.

  1. Diverse Educational Options: Kyrgyzstan boasts numerous colleges and universities offering top-notch MBBS programs tailored for international students.

  2. Affordable Tuition: The cost of education in Kyrgyzstan is budget-friendly, catering to students from various financial backgrounds.

  3. Recognized Institutions: Many colleges hold accreditation from esteemed bodies like the Medical Council of India (MCI) and World Health Organization (WHO), ensuring high-quality education.

  4. Direct Admission: International students enjoy hassle-free admission processes, often without the need for entrance exams, making it easier to start their medical journey.

  5. Culinary Delights: From local delicacies to familiar Indian cuisine, Kyrgyzstan offers a culinary experience that caters to diverse tastes and preferences.

  6. English-Medium Instruction: All classes are conducted in English, eliminating language barriers and ensuring a smooth learning experience.

  7. No Donation Required: Unlike some institutions, there is no requirement for donations or additional fees for admission, making education accessible to all.

Advantages of MBBS in Kyrgyzstan

Top Colleges to Study in Kyrgyzstan

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Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
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Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

All university in Kyrgyzstan

Below is the list of the operating MBBS colleges and Universities in Kyrgyzstan as per WDOMS:

  • ABC Academy, Bishkek
  • Adam University School of Medicine, Bishkek
  • Ala-Too International University, Bishkek
  • Avicenna International Medical University, Bishkek
  • Bishkek International Medical Institute (BIMI), Bishkek
  • Eurasian International University Faculty of Medicine, Bishkek
  • Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek
  • International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek
  • International Medical University, Bishkek
  • International School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
  • International University of Science and Medicine (IUSM), Bishkek
  • Jalal-Abad State University Medical Faculty, Jalal-Abad
  • Kyrgyz Medical and Dental Institute, Kara-Balta
  • Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek
  • Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic State University (KRSU) Medical Faculty, Bishkek
  • Kyrgyz-Uzbek University Medical Faculty, Osh
  • Osh International Medical University, Osh
  • Osh State University Medical Faculty, Osh
  • Royal Metropolitan University, Bishkek
  • S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute, Kant
  • Salymbekov University Faculty of Medicine, Bishkek
  • Scientific Research Medical Social Institute, Jalal-Abad

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